[mmaimcal] FW: MMA FTE proposal

Brian Glendenning bglenden at aoc.nrao.edu
Wed Jan 27 15:06:24 EST 1999

-----Original Message-----
From: Athol Kemball [mailto:akemball at aoc.nrao.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 1999 8:21 AM
To: bglenden at aoc.nrao.edu
Cc: akemball at aoc.nrao.edu; tcornwel at aoc.nrao.edu
Subject: MMA FTE proposal


Further to your earlier request for possible areas in which a MMA FTE
based in Europe might work in AIPS++ software development for MMA
post-processing, I have listed some possibilities below. Further
detail can be provided for a more complete proposal as necessary.

I have assumed that the development area should be unique or of
special interest to MMA reduction, should not conflict with existing
AIPS++ assignments or involve a significant amount of infrastructure

We would greatly value collaboration with the MMA project in this
area, and would provide all reasonable support to ensure the success
of such an initiative. The only reciprocal requirement would be that
the person concerned work within the overall design and software
engineering guidelines of the project. 

The proposed areas are listed in order of priority and suitability,
and are based, in part, on calibration needs anticipated in the MMA 
Project Book. 

1. Radiometric phase calibration

 This would involve the implementation of radiometric phase
calibration techniques as currently employed or under development by
MMA partners. This includes importing the radiometer data into AIPS++
in a format compatible with the existing MeasurementSet or related
synthesis conventions, and the implementation of specialized solvers
or applications to derive the predicted phase corrections. The
software could be tested on datasets taken with existing mm
interferometers, and tested for consistency against the existing
implementations of these algorithms at current instruments.

2. Non-radiometric phase calibration

This would involve the modification of existing calibration software
to incorporate any changes which may be required to fully implement
rapid phase-switching calibration schemes. This includes any optimized
interpolation modes for this type of observing, phase extrapolation
from lower frequencies, the maintenance of a dynamic database of
suitable phase calibrators and their current flux density, and the
automatic determination of optimal cycle times based on external
information on phase stability. In addition, included in this item
would be the testing of pairwise calibration schemes within the
existing calibration system, and making any changes which may be
required to use method in practice. These phase calibration methods
could be tested on existing mm interferometers or the VLA.

3. Phase stability and atmosphere monitoring

This would include importing external phase or atmospheric monitoring
data into AIPS++ in a format compatible with synthesis conventions,
and deriving phase stability or atmosphere parameters from these
data. Included in this item is the implementation of a good
atmospheric transmission model, needed elsewhere in MMA calibration.
This item may depend on the development schedule for other parts of
the MMA.


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