[mmaimcal] the new AIPS task UVCON to simulate UV data

Leonia Kogan lkogan at aoc.nrao.edu
Wed Dec 16 19:01:24 EST 1998


I put in the AIPS the new task UVCON.
        This new task generates a u-v database for an interferometric array
        whose configuration is specified by the user. Visibilities
        corresponding to a specified model, and gaussian noise appropriate
        for the specified antenna characteristics are calculated for each
        visibility. The model can be given by set of clean components 
        (CC table) or by image itself.
        The output is a standard AIPS u-v data file. This task replaces
        the old procedure of the simulation, which required use of the 
        AIPS tasks UVSIM, UVSUM, UVMOD and verb PUTHEAD. 
        The array geometry can be specified in three different coordinate 
        systems:  equatorial, local horizon, and geodetic.
        There is an option of using set of different frequencies to improve 
        UV coverage. The resolution can be changed by variing the observing 
Using this task we can start comparing different configurations by 
estimating the quality of the restoring images.
It is a time to create the library of the images for the different 
array configurations. I'd be ready start comparing the configurations 
having the images.

Leonia Kogan

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