[mmaimcal] questions regarding antenna RFP

Mark Holdaway mholdawa at tuc.nrao.edu
Thu Dec 3 11:15:32 EST 1998

>  1 - regarding the nutating subreflector.  does the pointing spec
>      need to be met while the subreflector is nutating?

YES!  The total power will often (usually?) be used to add to mosaics,
and the single dish's pointing errors are at least as important as the
interferometer elements' pointing errors.

>  2 - regarding offset pointing.  are we (our group) comfortable with
>      the idea of offset pointing correcting some substantial fraction
>      of the pointing error?  

>      especially in regards to wind buffeting.

	unclear; it will help, but probably not to the full extent
	that I claim in MMA Memo 159.  In the compact arrays, the 
	antennas are in each other's wind shadows; we don't know very much
	about how the aerodynamics of the antennas change as you go and
	point at another source...
	we need a "wind affected offset pointing structure function".


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