[fitsbits] [EXTERNAL] Re: Stokes parameters coordinate system

THIERRY FORVEILLE thierry.forveille at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Tue Mar 3 00:26:57 EST 2020

> I am not aware of any standard convention for defining the polarization
> convention in use in a FITS file.
> The position angle of the electric vector and hence Q and U may be referred to
> Galactic north, Equatorial north, or an instrument frame, and in practice the
> frame of the polarization (equatorial or Galactic for example) is not always
> the same as that used for the angular coordinates of the image.
I have always assumed that the frame of the polarization in a FITS file is the same 
as that of the coordinates. That might very well not be written anywhere in the 
standard, but it (still) seems a reasonable default to me.

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