[fitsbits] WCSLIB 6.4 releaed

Mark Calabretta mark at calabretta.id.au
Thu Aug 15 11:30:00 EDT 2019


WCSLIB 6.4 is now available:


This release fixes a problem with an the sharable library introduced
in the previous release, as per the change log appended below.

Mark Calabretta

WCSLIB version 6.4 (2019/08/15)

* Installation

  - The rule change to the Fortran makefile in v6.3 to add getwcstab_f.o
    to the sharable library causes it to depend on CFITSIO to resolve
    fits_get_wcstab().  Hence backed out of that change.

* User manual

  - Documentation generation moved to doxygen 1.8.16 (was 1.8.14).

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