[fitsbits] start of Public Comment Period on the INHERIT convention

THIERRY FORVEILLE thierry.forveille at ujf-grenoble.fr
Tue Jun 30 22:38:45 EDT 2015

"Frank Valdes" <valdes at noao.edu> writes
----- Original Message -----
> P.S. I really don't like the suggestion that multiple "images", say
> traditional CCD images, which are related should be "packed in a single
> binary table".
The flip side is that doing that covers the need which you describe, and is 
already fully part of the standard. 

There is a non-trivial cost (in additional code in FITS readers that needs 
writing and, more importantly, maintaining) to multiple solution to the same 
problem, which I see as enough of a reason to say no to INHERIT.

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