[fitsbits] Start of the Green Bank Keyword Convention Comment Period

William Pence William.Pence at nasa.gov
Thu Oct 21 16:25:15 EDT 2010

As a reminder, a description of the Green Bank keyword convention has 
been submitted to the FITS Registry, and the public comment period will 
end soon.

Bill Pence

Pence, William D. (GSFC-6601) wrote:
> This is to announce the start of the Public Comment Period on the
> Green Bank Keyword convention. This FITS convention was developed
> at a historic meeting in 1989 at Green Bank, West Virginia to
> develop standards for interchange of single dish radio telescope
> data.  This convention specifically deals with how to record WCS
> information for images that are stored in a vector column of a
> FITS binary table, but has since been generalized to have wider
> applications.
> This is another in a series of conventions that have been submitted
> to the Registry of FITS Conventions, which is maintained by the
> IAU FITS Working Group.  The main purpose of this public comment
> period is to insure that the documentation completely and accurately
> describes the convention.
> Detailed information about this convention and sample FITS files that
> use it are available for public review and comment from the FITS
> registry web page at
>                 http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_registry.html
> Comments about this convention may be posted here on the FITSBITS email
> exploder or the mirrored sci.astro.fits newsgroup.
> Bill Pence
> (on behalf of the IAU FITS Working Group)

Dr. William Pence                       William.Pence at nasa.gov
NASA/GSFC Code 662       HEASARC        +1-301-286-4599 (voice)
Greenbelt MD 20771                      +1-301-286-1684 (fax)

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