[fitsbits] Agenda for IAU-FWG business meeting

Arnold Rots arots at head-cfa.cfa.harvard.edu
Tue Jun 17 12:41:52 EDT 2003

I sprinkling of comments...

  - Arnold

Don Wells wrote:
> 	  Agenda for the FITS Working Group business meeting
> 	     at the Sydney IAU General Assembly July 2003,
> 		   with duration of order one hour
> 			  Don Wells (Chair)
> The Chair recommends that this business session make no formal
> decisions on FITS policy or procedure, except for the nomination of
> the new officers, because not all IAU-FWG members will be present.
> The Chair will appoint a recording secretary for the meeting so that
> the consensus of the meeting on the issues can be reported to the
> absent members and to the larger FITS community.  Formal decisions on
> policy and procedure will be made by formal votes conducted via email
> at a later time.

Depending on how many of the 13 will be there, I'd suggest a
qualification.  If something pressing comes up, we ought to be able to
take action.  At the discretion of the chair matters that require
timely action may be submitted for a vote, but passing will require a
majority of the current _membership_ of the WG voting in favor.

> 1. Report on the state of the FITS Agreements [Wells] 5_min
>    Proposals adopted during the past triennium and proposals pending
>    will be reviewed.  Philosophical exhortations to the faithful will
>    be uttered one last time by the current Chair.

Our oracle :-)

> 2. Nomination of new officers [Wells, Grosbol] 5-10_min
>    Patrick Wallace (UK) will be nominated to be Chair of the IAU FITS
>    Working Group for the 2003-2006 triennium, succeeding Donald Wells
>    (US).  William Pence (US) will be nominated to succeed Ernst
>    Raimond (Netherlands) as Vice-Chair.  These nominations will be
>    considered in the subsequent Commission 5 business meeting.
>    Wells will propose that the IAU-FWG should specify a policy for
>    regular (triennial?) changing of officers.

You might consider an informal rule where the vice-chair be nominated
for chair.

> 2. Proposal procedure and regional FITS Committees [Wells, Grosbol] 10_min

This will need more than 10 minutes, unless you rule by executive order.

>    Some members of the FITS community have proposed that the regional
>    FITS committees should be abolished, and that proposals should be
>    submitted to the IAU-FWG directly for approval.  Grosbol and Wells
>    will recommend that the IAU-FWG maintain the regional groups as
>    focus points and as part of the formal approval procedure (with
>    veto power). It is obvious that the IAU-FWG needs to specify
>    procedural rules for establishing new regional committees. Three
>    changes in the rules for the life-cycle for new proposals should be
>    considered:

I don't have a whole lot to add to the discussion about the abolition
of the regional committees and am a bit ambivalent about it.  There is
something to be said for a two-tiered voting system.  And there are
regional differences in the make-up of the astronomical population
that may be mnore adequately represented by regional committees.

And alternative approach (sorry, after starting to really think about
this, I discover that I have something to add ;-), could be along the
following lines.  Stipulate that proposals be submitted to the
regional committees.  Open discussion on fitsbits is to be
encouraged.  When a regional committee approves a proposal, it submits
it directly to the IAU-FWG for a vote.  However, before this WG takes
it up, the chair notifies the other regional committees and invites
their comments (in practice, presumably comments from individual
members, rather than the committees as a whole); the comment period
should be fixed (say, a month).

>    * specify that a fully open Internet discussion period must occur
>      before a proposal is finalized for voting, rather than confining
>      initial discussion to a single regional committee; probably the
>      rule should specify that initial submission of proposals will be
>      to the IAU-FWG Chair rather than to a regional Chair
>    * specify that all regional committees will vote concurrently, on
>      the exact same proposal. Probably the IAU-FWG should retain the
>      right to modify proposals in limited ways.

Good idea; but what happens when one (or two) regional committees
reject the proposal?
(I wrote this comment before the one above)

>    * specify that proposals will expire, and need to be re-started, if
>      any regional committees or the IAU-FWG do not report formal vote
>      results on them within specified time-limit(s)

Is there to be a fixed time limit, or is it set for each proposal - in
which case: who sets it?

> 3. Proposed standard levels of 'conformance' [Grosbol, Hanisch] 10_min
>    Many members of the FITS community assume that the default
>    interpretation of our FITS agreements has been and still is that
>    all FITS readers should implement the full standard.  Others say
>    that, while it is essential that we define one and only one way to
>    implement each functionality, it is not wise to force all FITS
>    readers to implement all functionalities.  Perhaps the IAU-FWG
>    should define rules such that proposed new additions to the FITS
>    standard could specify at what level they should be implemented,
>    e.g. level 1:mandatory, level 2: recommended, ...

But do we need an indicator in files that signals which (if any) level
2 standards are used?
If a standard is only recommended, there will need to be a mechanism
that prevents non-compliant readers from barfing on them.

> 4. Criteria for revision of IAU-FWG Membership [Wells, Wallace] 10_min

All this can get rather tricky.  We can talk about this for a whole
day, or decide in 2 minutes that we can't solve it ;-)
Fixed terms?  How many consecutive terms?  Are they elected,
appointed?  By whom?  Is there a nomination process?  Who keeps an eye
on proper representation (sub-fields, nationalities, langages, and
whatever else)?
A nominating committee consisting of the chairs of the regional
committees (not that I am eager...)?

>    Wells will propose that the IAU-FWG should specify policies for
>    the following matters:
>    * regular (triennial?) changing of the IAU-FWG membership.  In what
>      ways and for what reasons may IAU-FWG membership be changed
>      between IAU General Assemblies?

Death and resignation, I would imagine.

>    * maximum size of IAU-FWG, probably 20 (currently 13)
>    * interests to be represented (e.g. optical/x-ray/radio/..,
>      ground/space/VO/.., datacenters/universities/.., international
>      entities, major software packages, major observatories, FITS
>      traditions, ??)
>    * IAU-FWG members to be members of or consultants to Commission-5 
> 5. IAU-FWG relationship to the VO standards efforts [Hanisch, Genova] TBD_min
>    Francoise Genova <genova at cluster.u-strasbg.fr> writes:
>    FG> There has been a discussion during the last IVOA meeting, about
>    FG> how to oversee tha VO-driven standards in the coming years.
>    FG> The proposal is to use the Virtual Observatory, Data Centers
>    FG> and Networks WG.  The idea is that VO is just beginning and
>    FG> still in Phase A and needs more flexible procedures than the
>    FG> FITS WG, at least for the moment, and that a possible merging
>    FG> of the two WG will be discussed not this time, but in 2006 -
>    FG> after also some evolution of the FITS WG itself. The different
>    FG> groups taking care of standards should of course be informed of
>    FG> each other work (e.g. by having a few common members)
>    FG> 
>    FG> I will propose a more detailed 'charter' for the WG well before
>    FG> our meeting at GA.
> -- 
>   Donald C. Wells    Scientist - GBT-PTCS Project     dwells at nrao.edu
>                     http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~dwells
>   National Radio Astronomy Observatory                +1-434-296-0277
>   520 Edgemont Road,   Charlottesville, Virginia       22903-2475 USA
>        (DCW is often in Green Bank, West Virginia, at +1-304-456-2146)
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Arnold H. Rots                                Chandra X-ray Science Center
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory                tel:  +1 617 496 7701
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