[fitsbits] Re: conversion fits -> gif

Uwe Lammers ulammers at rssd.esa.int
Tue Nov 19 11:35:58 EST 2002


> yes Nigel, that would definitely be helpfull to have a simple fits->gif
> converter
> (being that you can after that easily convert from gif to anything if you
> need)
> with some basic command line options (to tune the color map, such as the
> zscale setting of ds9).
The latest ds9-2.2 allows to save (FITS) images as jpeg, tiff, png, or ppm
(File->Save as->Image...) to disk (this needs gs>=6.5 in the PATH). From
there one can go to gif with e.g. xv.

Another route is to save the image as Postscript from ds9
(File->Print...->File...) and then use Ghostscript to convert to gif
(provided gs was build with a corresponding gif driver included).


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