[fitsbits] IMFORT-like FITSIO wrappers needed

Stephen Walton stephen.walton at csun.edu
Thu Jul 11 14:03:40 EDT 2002

I'm sure I'm not the first one who has some older code using the IRAF
IMFORT interface who would like to use it with FITSIO.  I've started on
my own version of IMFORT-like wrappers for FITSIO, but before I go too
much further I'd like to discuss what I'm doing with others who are
interested, or better yet get a copy of code which already does this
:-)!  Right now I'm having a bit of trouble determining the best way to
emulate the IMCREA/IMOPEN/IMHCPY IMFORT sequence I use to create a copy
of an image with a different number of BITPIX from the original. 
fits_copy_header doesn't quite do what IMHCPY does, since it creates a
new HDU if the CHDU is not blank.

Stephen Walton, Professor of Physics and Astronomy,
California State University, Northridge
stephen.walton at csun.edu

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