[fitsbits] ascii to fits

O'NEEL Bruce bruce.oneel at obs.unige.ch
Wed May 24 07:58:46 EDT 2000

  Possibly the ftool fcreate will do it for your.  Ftools can be found 
at http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/lheasoft/.



Jean-Michel Desert writes:
 > Hello
 > I am looking for a tool which allow to convert files from ascii (8.dat) 
 > to fits.
 > thank you for your help
 > Jean-Michel.

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Then you read your mail. -- David Gatwood
Bruce O'Neel                       phone:  +41 22 950 91 22 (direct)
INTEGRAL Science Data Centre               +41 22 950 91 00 (switchb.)
Chemin d'Ecogia 16                 fax:    +41 22 950 91 33
CH-1290 VERSOIX                    e-mail: Bruce.Oneel at obs.unige.ch
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