[fitsbits] Ftools 5.0.1 software release

William Pence pence at tetra.gsfc.nasa.gov
Thu Jun 1 13:22:09 EDT 2000

A new version of the Ftools software package for manipulating FITS files has
recently been released.  Ftools 5.0.1 runs on most UNIX platforms and is
available at:


or the UK mirror site at:


The Ftools package contains about 100 general utility programs for creating,
modifying, and viewing the contents of any FITS image or table, as well as a
couple hundred more specialized  programs designed to analyze high-energy
astrophysical data files.

For users who do not need the entire Ftools package, the following commonly
used programs are available separately:

  fv -  a powerful FITS file viewer and editor 
        (also runs on Windows and MacOS platforms)

  fverify - verifies that the FITS file conforms to all the 
            requirements of the latest FITS Standard.

  fcopy - a deceptively simple tool that copies a FITS file.
         It can also perform complicated filtering operations
        on the output file (e.g., copy only selected rows of a
        table, create new table columns, compute 1-D and 2-D 
        histogram images from table columns).

  fdump - prints out the contents of FITS headers and FITS tables

  fmodhead - add, delete, or modify FITS header keywords

  fplot - plot columns of data in FITS tables

Any questions or problems related to Ftools should be sent to:
ftoolshelp at athena.gsfc.nasa.gov

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