[fitsbits] Re: FITS reading problems

Liam Gretton ljg at star.le.ac.uk
Mon Jan 17 13:33:12 EST 2000

In article <ant171110064Whac at xmm4.xra.le.ac.uk>, Liam Gretton
<URL:mailto:ljg at star.le.ac.uk> wrote:
> I've found that trying to read a keyword that isn't present in a FITS file
> means that all subsequent attempts to read keywords that *are* present
> fail.

Sorry to follow up my own post, but the problem has been solved thanks to
suggestions from William Pence and Philip Hodge. It turns out I should have
been resetting the status returned from the library calls to ignore the

Thanks chaps!

Liam Gretton                                              ljg at star.le.ac.uk
Space Research Centre,                             http://www.src.le.ac.uk/
Physics and Astronomy Dept,                      phone +44 (0) 116 223 1039
University of Leicester,                          fax  +44 (0) 116 252 2464
Leicester LE1 7RH, UK                             http://xmm4.xra.le.ac.uk/

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