[fitsbits] Re: Windows FITS viewer / data extraction

Nigel Eke nigel.eke at bcs.org.uk
Mon Dec 18 14:31:47 EST 2000

From: William Pence <pence at tetra.gsfc.nasa.gov>

| > I wanted to download the CFITSIO C library source from HEASARC, so
| > that explains why it failed when I tried :-(      Dog-nabbit! I'll just
| > to write my own...
| The FITS Support Office and the HEASARC are 2 completely separate
| organizations at the Goddard Space Flight Center.  The FITS Support Office
| software was withdrawn because it was largely superseded by software
| developed at the HEASARC or other sites which has similar functionality.

I realised they were separate, but wasn't aware of their history...

| The CFITSIO web site is alive and well, so try again at
| http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/

Unfortunately I still can't download the zip file, but I've posted a request
to their support e-mail, so I hope it will get sorted out at some point.

Thanks very much for your help.


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