Looking for: FITS-->DICOM 3 image file converter

David Alisch dmalisch at hughes.cg.hac.com
Mon Sep 29 22:55:37 EDT 1997

Hi all

I was hoping I wouldn't have to bother anyone about this, but it seems 
that even with all the well-structured net-documentation by the FITS 
community, I still can't find what I'm looking for.

I need a small but robust (well, preferably) image conversion utility that
takes 16 bit FITS images and converts them directly to DICOM 3 format.  So
far I've only been able to find one utility that supports both these formats
(Imaging Control Center by GKR Computer Consulting), but I'm not sure if I
want to shell out $1K for functionality that we could probably develop here
locally for much less.  Image Magick would be great too but we need a utility
for the Windows95/NT platform.  Has ANYONE heard of an application that
sounds like it might fit the bill here for the above platform?  I'm sure 
I must be just looking in the wrong place. 

Any tips at all would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

David Alisch      dmalisch at hughes.cg.hac.com  |  Ph:  403/295-6648
Hughes Aircraft of Canada        Calgary, AB  |  Fax: 403/295-6676

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