Wanted: Java FITS image displayer

Kenneth B. Sall ksall at cen.com
Fri Sep 26 18:51:58 EDT 1997

Has anyone developed or located a _completely_ Java-based FITS image
Freeware, shareware, or commercial?

I'm aware of:
        Java-based client-side FITS Browser

which uses native code and also requires another native FITSIO library.
This is not the solution I need since this would require users to
compile native code. What we're going for is the old click-on-this-link-


The ideal applet would be one that simply renders a FITS image and
No image manipulation is necessary (but sure would be a bonus).

Please cc: ksall at cen.com as well as the newsgroup.
Thanks very much!
- Ken Sall                             ksall at cen.com
- Century Computing, Inc.              http://www.cen.com/

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