Adobe Acrobat format for documentation

Tim Pickering tim at
Wed Sep 24 01:42:36 EDT 1997

On 23 Sep 1997 09:22:46 -0700, Steve Allen <sla at ucolick.borg> wrote:
>In article <slrn62et5j.m6.tim at>,
>Tim Pickering <tim at> wrote:
>>adobe acrobat is not a necessary prerequisite for viewing PDF files.
>I concur that ghostview/ghostscript make a better viewer than the one
>from Adobe, but it is admittedly a matter of taste.

acroread for win95/nt is pretty decent, but i find acroread for
solaris and linux really painful to use. it's really slow to redraw
(especially with font smoothing on) even on ultras and P6's whereas gv
is fine on a 486. but i digress...

>I offer that it is only by virtue of the facts that PostScript and PDF
>are openly published standards and that viewers are available from
>more than one source which make them acceptable as formats for
>distributing FITS information.

agreed. PDF is nice, but is not yet as firmly established as
postscript so it's too early to switch over to it entirely. 


  Time is like fingers
Gesturing for me to stop      --- A Quake Haiku
   Why is the sun up?

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