[evlatests] [Vlite-external] Antenna ea1=V5 problems

Mike Revnell mrevnell at nrao.edu
Mon Aug 25 11:04:41 EDT 2014

The D306 uses 48 volt power from the main bus in the rack.

It requires 1024 MHz clock from the L300, time code from the L305 (split 
from the D303 fiber), and signal from the low band receiver system 
(split before any frequency conversion).

If power, 1024 MHz clock, or time code are disrupted the module will 
have to be reset. To be sure this happens correctly requires monitoring 
signals with a bandwidth far beyond the capability of the EVLA operator 
interface. It also requires observing timing information within the 
VLITE correlator. The correlator interface uses the Linux command line.

At present it is still early times with this module and no one knows 
exactly how it will behave and how best to manage it.

I've written up the interface that would be translated to make the D306 
turn up in the EVLA operator interface. At this time I've recommended 
only 1 monitor point and no control points be exposed in the EVLA 
interface. Others are available if a decision is taken to reveal them.

If you really want to see what's going on in the D306 there is a program 
that runs on both windows and Linux that can monitor and control 
everything going on in the D306. I can show you how to run it and where 
it is. The EVLA real-time baseband spectrum display is also used. 
Currently the web  based baseband plotter doesn't know about the D306 
though it uses the same protocol.

The D306 resembles the DTS system in the EVLA more than anything else so 
its interface most closely resembles the DTS. The way it behaves and 
misbehaves most closely resembles the DTS but the similarities are not 
that great even there.


On 08/24/2014 06:33 PM, Eric Chavez wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> I would like monitor and command points for the VLITE module available 
> in the operator software. We, who deal with L304 and L305 upgrades, 
> need to have set-up or reset instructions. We can add this to our 
> procedures. Cross training and software updates would solve this 
> current issue.
> Eric
> On 8/24/2014 1:37 PM, Ken Sowinski wrote:
>> On Sat, 23 Aug 2014, Bryan Butler wrote:
>>> Doug Scott wrote, On 8/22/14 16:20 :
>>>>  Good afternoon,
>>>>  As one of the techs who swapped out the L305 here, I'd like to
>>>> request a
>>>>  little direction on how to minimize any impact on VLITE modules.
>>>>  1. Of the many modules we (LO/IF) affect in the antenna vertex room,
>>>>  when are we to request our VLITE expert to check things out?
>>> only if you think it affects the D306.  i realize you may not know,
>>> and these are early days for these modules, so i think it's going to
>>> take a bit of time to get experience with them before we really know.
>> Only the L304 and L305, power and signal from the VHF receiver
>> are necessary for the D306 to work.
>> Ken
>>>>  2. Should the VLITE expert (Mike R.) be unavailable, who might be
>>>>  filling in?
>>> kerry shores is the backup, as far as i know.
>>>>  3. Is there an antenna overlay screen in the works for VLITE?
>>> no.  we have only mike's module status screen (through which you can
>>> get at least a bandpass), and nothing else.  and i think that's going
>>> to have to be it.  remember that this is a best effort basis.
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