[evlatests] P-band switched power status

Rick Perley rperley at nrao.edu
Thu Sep 5 17:49:41 EDT 2013

       From the P-band run the night before last:

    All antennas fringed, except ea02 (out) and ea19 (no receiver). 

    No switched power (zero mean noise) on ea10, 11, 13, and 25. 

    PDif compression is seen on nearly all antennas when we went to Cyg 
A and Cas A.  It's a small effect on nearly all antennas *except* ea17 
-- for which the compression is enormous -- about 40%. 

    For scheduling reasons, this run was taken in six 2-hour blocks.  
Since each one sets itself up separately, we can see if we have problems 
with the 'set-and-remember' algorithm -- meaning, how different were the 
power levels found by the system.  Answer:  A lot!  They differ by 
factors of a few, perhaps as high as 10.  I'll make a summary, and 

    I noted the reversed polarizations yesterday. 



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