[evlatests] more ea08 status

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at nrao.edu
Tue Feb 12 18:47:22 EST 2013

1.  It is clear that the correct subreflecotr rotation setting
lies at -48 degrees from the settings in parminator.  This
was determined at L band and verified at X band.

2.  While determining 1., it was seen that the polarizations at
X band are swapped relative to all the other antennas.  Some
care should be taken in fixing this because the L band receiver
cables were swapped in response to a report of last week.
It is possible that the swap lies between the band switches and
downconverters; if so, then that should be remedied and the
L band swap undone.

The best course might be to fix the subreflector problem, then
investigate the polarization sense at all bands before deciding
what to swap.

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