[evlatests] aftermath

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at nrao.edu
Wed Mar 28 23:46:53 EDT 2012

Things are good enough that we can do C band pointing for ea01,
but otherwise not too good yet.

First, ea01 still does not firnge at all at X band.  Something
must be mis-wired or the horn is not seeing the sky.

ea14 has polarizations swapped for BD, but not AC.  It must be
a wiring error when the new switches were installed.

ea15-L302-2 seems out to lunch.

There appear to be DTS problems (one end or the other) for
ea06C, ea15D, ea23A.

There are a bunch of baseline boards that did not come up happily.
I propose to leave until tomorrow the effort of understanding why.
Yhey are:

Crossed hand delays have not been well set yet.  I would avoid
polarization work tonight.  Cryos are still cooling and some
will likely take a while longer.

Antennas ea06, ea14 and ea23 are bad enough that I have left
them out of the pointing run for fear that they would disturb

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