[evlatests] 1408 MHz birdie

Bob Sault rsault at nrao.edu
Wed Apr 11 10:43:10 EDT 2012

We did an observation yesterday, which had as a side
effect measuring the strength of the 1408 MHz birdie on
different antennas. It's still there, and very strong on
some baselines.

The antennas showing strong 1408 MHz birdie signals are

13 (by far the worst), and then 4,8,10,12,16,21,22,27,28

Some of those antennas are adjacent in the array - (8,10,28), (16,22),
(12,21) - which might be chance or it might be that one is radiating 
into the other(s).

Phone:    +1-575-8357339
Email:    rsault at nrao.edu
Web:      http://www.ph.unimelb.edu.au/~rsault

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