[evlatests] Tcal oddities

Vivek Dhawan vdhawan at nrao.edu
Thu Apr 5 13:34:44 EDT 2012

A survey of Tcals was done (yeah, I'm bored waiting for data to load)

Rich Moeser has a script to extract all available Tcals and put them
on his web page, he ran it yesterday.


Trolling through these, I found a few oddities. These are just the
ones that caught my eye, the rest looked OK but I can give no warranty.

L band:
ea15 and ea24 both claim to possess receiver SN#001, with identical data.
ea14 has SN#000, is this a real serial #?

S band:
ea01 got its Rx on 03/27, Tcal not installed as of Apr 04.
ea02,3,4,5,19,20 no Rx yet, as expected.

C band looked OK.

X band: reported on yesterday.

Ku band:
ea01 got its Rx on 3/27,  Tcal not installed as of Apr 04.
ea02, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 15, 27, 28 - no Rx, as expected.
ea19 SN#17 LCP data, no RCP data for some reason.
ea22 SN#006 no data, though the Rx should have been there since sep2010.

A, K, Q bands: looked OK.

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