[evlatests] Switched power stability at C-band

Jim Jackson jjackson at nrao.edu
Tue Apr 26 19:43:11 EDT 2011


This isn't surprising. The un-driven Fail Safe or default position of 
these switches appears to be the most vulnerable to failure. This 
will make L, X and Q bands the worst offenders.


At 04:30 PM 4/26/2011, you wrote:
>     I have reviewed the switched power data at C-band taken in the same
>run as the X-band data that I summarized a few moments ago.
>     At C-band we have an *entirely* different picture.  Nearly all the
>antennas provide smooth and stable PDif.  Virtually no IFs had drops,
>spins, or irregularities, other than the 'non-linearity' that I have
>already reported on a couple weeks ago.  (To remind, this is the
>curiosity that the PDif changes amplitude when  on sources of different
>amplitude, presumably due to a non-linearity in the gain response).
>     This striking difference between C and X bands illustrates the
>difficulty in finding repeatable 'bad behaviors'...
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