[evlatests] Cancel Red Alert ...

Rick Perley rperley at nrao.edu
Mon Nov 2 18:11:40 EST 2009

    Those who were at today's correlator meeting are requested to forget 
everything I reported on (if you haven't already!). :-)

    For those who do remember, the following should help reduce your 
alarm level:

    1) The appallingly poor agreement between the data and the model, as 
shown in the VPLOT images, are indeed largely due to some sort of 
computational error, as suggested by Vivek.  When the adverb NMAPS = 1, 
the majority of the disagreement disappears. 
    2) The appallingly poor L-band image that I showed was a result of 
BLCAL not having been applied.  When BLCAL was computed and applied, 
(and the data self-calibrated with my best VLA image), the output image 
immediately shows a spiffy 180,000:1 dynamic range!  Better than the VLA 
image.   But still a long ways from thermal noise. 

    The 'fast wobbles' are still there, but clearly do not affect the 
output image in a major way.  The noise residuals in the vicinity of the 
strong point source are 'choppy' -- perhaps due to these fast wobbles? 
    Further tests continue.  There is much to be learned yet.


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