[evlatests] WIDAR wobbles vs. time, contd.

Michael Rupen mrupen at nrao.edu
Thu Jul 16 11:24:30 EDT 2009

Hi Vivek --

> b. There are a variety of periods, a few Hz, quite a bit faster then the
>    fringe rate.

We've seen, and you've mentioned, phase periods that are half those seen
in amplitude.  The periods below I believe are from FRPLT, which
takes the Fourier transform of the (complex) visibility time sequence,
thus mixing the amp & phase together.   I do not have an intuitive feeling
for what this does I'm afraid.

> c. The periods do change over an hour, but I see no way to relate them to
>    the corresponding fringe rate changes.

By how much do they change?  10s of %, factors of 2, factors of 100?  Do
wobbles vanish or just move around?

> d. There is no differential in the wobble across the band = it is _not_
>   a delay change = there is no delay jitter associated with the wobbles.
> Plot 1: red= phase wobbles, averaged over band. blue= phase jump at
>    delay change, differential between low/high half of band. time span =
>    10 sec, 40ms steps.

I'm confused by this plot.

It looks to me like the blue shows a smaller version of the wobble seen in the 

If blue= phase(channels 129-256)-phase(channels 1-128), then this
means that there *is* a difference between the low and high channels.


> e. The noise-diode switching at 9.6Hz is seen at ~few % in the autocor
>    and is at about 0.1-1% of the cross-correlation amplitude on most
>    baselines. Assuming 30K Tsys, 3K noise injection, that is ~30Jy, so
>    the f_shift is suppressing the noise diode by a factor of >100 (1000
>    on most baselines), else it would be comparable to 3C273.

I'm confused by this argument (have you noticed that I'm confused a lot? ;).
Should the noise tube correlated between antennas?  or are you thinking
leakage of an antenna's noise tube through the sidelobes of its neighbor?
In either case how do you know how much of any suppression is due to fshift?

> h. Details of which baselines have what: (most have 9.6Hz at 0.2% or so).
>    I think this says that the antennas with even slot IDs are worse -
>    right Michael?
> 1-*   clean
> 2-18 ~1.9Hz 1% of cross corr peak on 3C273
> 2-19  3.7Hz 5%
> 2-28 ~1Hz   2%
> 3-*   clean
> 9-*   5Hz   weak ~0.2%
> 9-18  6.5Hz 1%
> 18-19 6.5Hz 2%
> 19-*  9.6Hz 1-2% noise diode
> 19-24 2Hz   2%
> 19-28 3Hz   8%
> 23-*  clean (23-3, 23-19, 23-25 have 9.6Hz 1%)

I believe the StB layout at the time of this observation (using AIPS'
labels, i.e., NOT accounting for the mis-labeling of 25 and 28) was:

    Slot      Rack 1                 Rack 2              Rack 3
      0   sb0006 = ea19-A = W04  sb000a = ea28-A*= N08*  sb0004 = ea18-A = N16
      1   sb0010 = ea01-A = W16  sb0009 = ea25-A*= N02*  sb0005 = ea23-A = E18
      2   sb000c = ea02-A = E02  sb000b = ea24-A = W14  (sb0025 = ea04-A = W10)
      3   sb0002 = ea09-A = E06  sb001f = ea03-A = E16  (sb0018 = ea08-A = N12)

   (The * is a reminder that what AIPS calls ea28 on pad N08 is actually
   ea25 on pad N02, and vice versa.  Antennas 4 and 8 were not included in
   this observation.)

1- ea19 is the worst offender.  Is it significant that its pad (W04) is
   also closest to the barn?

2- 9.6 Hz wobblers
   ea23 is at E18; {ea03,ea19,ea25*} are at {E16,W04,N08}
   ea19 is the closest antenna on the west arm, and the one nearest the barn

   No obvious pattern here for me!

3- Non-9.6 Hz wobblers vs. antenna/StB location
   Vivek's list shows wobbles for antennas
      {ea02 ea09 ea18 ea19 ea24 ea28}
   vs. the even-numbered slots
      {ea02      ea18 ea19 ea24 ea28}
   So all the bad baselines are between antennas in even-numbered slots,
   *except* antenna 9, which shows weak oscillations to all other antennas
   and a stronger oscillation to ea18.

   The bad antennas are at
      {ea02 ea09 ea18 ea19 ea24 ea28*}  ("ea28" is actually ea25)
      { E02  E06  N16  W04  W14  N08*}  ("N08"  is actually N02)

   The good antennas are at
      {ea01 ea03 ea23 ea25*}            ("ea25" is actually ea28)
      { W16  E16  E18  N02*}            ("N02"  is actually N08)

   So the good antennas are those furthest out on the arms, *except* "ea25",
   which is in between the antennas at N02 and N16.

   So either
     - ea09 is the fly in the ointment, being in an odd-numbered slot; or
     - ea18 is the one that ought to be stable, being a distant antenna; or
     - ea28 (called "ea25") is the problem child, being clean but
       located between two problem antennas.


   To put the odd/even slot question to rest we might try
     (1) taking 12-antenna data (if it's even slots this should give wobbles
       to ea04), and then
     (2) trading fibers for ea23 & ea04 (if it tracks slots ea23 will
       then wobble, even though it's our most distant antenna).

4- Comparison with earlier observations
   I re-examined the fast-dump C-band data from 29jun09 (observing 3C84)
   using FRPLT over 2.5 minutes, to allow a direct comparison with
   Vivek's result (1 min FRPLTs gave the same results but noisier).
   The data below are for sb4, whereas Vivek's are for sb1; I will do
   subband comparisons in a future e-mail, on the off chance those
   will be instructive.

   * ea01 is very noisy -- can't see much
   * ea03-ea24 shows fringes in the FRPLTs over much of band

   In the tables below I've put * by the baselines where Vivek also
   sees a wobble.

   Basic conclusion: I see more wobbles, except that I do not
    see Vivek's ea09 wobbles.  The worst offenders are the same in both
    data sets.

   a. 9.6 Hz:  amplitude (odd units) from FRPLT:

         r1s1 r1s2 r2s3 r1s3 r3s0 r1s0 r3s1 r2s2 r2s0 r2s1
          W16  E02  E16  E06  N16  W04  E18  W14  N02  N08
         ea01 ea02 ea03 ea09 ea18 ea19 ea23 ea24 ea25 ea28
   ea01       ...   ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...   ea01 W16 r1s1

   ea02             1     -    -  *1     -   0.4   -   1     ea02 E02 r1s2

   ea03                  0.8  1   *1.5 *1    1    1    1     ea03 E16 r2s3

   ea09                       -   *1     -    -    -   1     ea09 E06 r1s3

   ea18                           *1     -   0.5   -   1     ea18 N16 r3s0

   ea19                                *1   *1.5 *1   *1.5   ea19 W04 r1s0

   ea23                                       -    -  *1     ea23 E18 r3s1

   ea24                                           0.5  1     ea24 W14 r2s2

   ea25                                                1     ea25 N02 r2s0

   ea28                                                      ea28 N08 r2s1

   b. Other wobble frequencies:
     ea01-ea28  3   Hz, amp: 4.5
     ea02-ea09  1   Hz, amp: 0.3
     ea02-ea18  6   Hz, amp: 5
     ea02-ea19  1   Hz, amp: 0.5
     ea02-ea23  1   Hz, amp: 0.5 (only neg. freq.)
     ea02-ea24  1   Hz, amp: 0.5
     ea02-ea25  1   Hz, amp: 1
     ea02-ea28  1   Hz, amp: 0.3
     ea02-ea28  4   Hz, amp: 0.3
     ea03-ea25  1   Hz, amp: 0.7
     ea18-ea19  3   Hz, amp: 2.5
     ea18-ea25  1   Hz, amp: 0.5
     ea19-ea25  0.5 Hz?, amp: 4.5
     ea23-ea25  1.5 Hz, amp: 0.5, pos.freq. only
     ea24-ea25  1   Hz, amp: 0.5
     ea25-ea28  1   Hz, amp: 0.5?

     Approximate wobble frequencies from FRPLT, in Hz; () --> amp <1.
       Again * --> seen by Vivek, maybe not at the same frequency

         r1s1 r1s2 r2s3 r1s3 r3s0 r1s0 r3s1 r2s2 r2s0 r2s1
          W16  E02  E16  E06  N16  W04  E18  W14  N02  N08
         ea01 ea02 ea03 ea09 ea18 ea19 ea23 ea24 ea25 ea28
   ea01       ...   ...  (*)  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...   3    ea01 W16 r1s1

   ea02              -  *(1)  *6  *(1)  (1)  (1)   1 *(1,4)  ea02 E02 r1s2

   ea03                  (*)   -    -    -    -   (1)   -    ea03 E16 r2s3

   ea09                        *   (*)  (*)  (*)  (*)  (*)   ea09 E06 r1s3

   ea18                            *3    -    -   (1)   -    ea18 N16 r3s0

   ea19                                  -    *  *0.5   -    ea19 W04 r1s0

   ea23                                       -  (1.5)  -    ea23 E18 r3s1

   ea24                                           (1)   -    ea24 W14 r2s2

   ea25                                                (1)   ea25 N02 r2s0

   ea28                                                      ea28 N08 r2s1

   - Note that my "problem baselines" is ea01-ea28, which is the
     only strong wobble which involves an StB in an odd-numbered slot.

I don't see any obvious consistent pattern here.  But maybe someone
else will...


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