[evlatests] K-Band Results -- Perfect!

Rick Perley rperley at nrao.edu
Thu Jul 2 17:55:24 EDT 2009

    Michael took an hour of data on our favorite northern point source 
at K-band. 

    Executive Summary:      Everything is perfect! 


    Observations had 1 minute scans.  No phase jumps of any kind were 
seen, nor any significant amplitude wobbles or steps.    Phase stability 
was poor -- not a surprise given the dewpoint and weather.  Sensitivity 
seems a bit poorer than I would expect, but this is likely due to an 
elevated system temperature (atmospheric emission). 

    Delays were measured -- no large values were found.  (Largest is 13 
nsec on antenna 25). 

    Bandpasses were measured on a 1-minute timescale -- all looks very 

    A 951 channel 'pseudo-continuum' database was made, with four 

    Closure offsets were measured -- all are at the 0.1% or less, which 
I'm sure is consistent with noise. 

    The final map is dead flat.  No lumps or waves.  DR is 23600 for all 
four sub-bands, and half that for one subband -- just as expected. 



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