[evlatests] Integrated L-Band Feed/Receiver Test - Day 2

Bob Hayward rhayward at nrao.edu
Tue Aug 11 19:47:11 EDT 2009

Things went a lot better today. The gantry crane decided to work this 
morning (the electricians think yesterday's problem might be due to an 
old leaking voltage transformer that didn't like the heat of the midday 
sun). It allowed us to hoist the feed and attach the receiver. Where we 
have the feed pointing from within the protected shade of the Barn - 
more or less due north at about 45 degrees elevation - has pleasantly 
low amount of RFI. This allows us to take Y-Factor sweeps across 1-2 GHz 
with a bandwidth of 8 MHz rather than the high resolution 2 MHz option 
we would have needed to use if we had to excise copious amounts of 
interference (more annoyingly, it is also 4 times slower).

We did a number of Hot/Cold (i.e., Sky) frequency sweeps, all which look 
good. Just how good and how repeatable will have to wait till I analyze 
the data more fully.

Yesterday we broke the crane. Today we only broke a thermometer. 
Tomorrow is TBD. Onward and upward...


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