[evlatests] New X-Pol Data, at L-band

Rick Perley rperley at nrao.edu
Mon Aug 3 19:10:32 EDT 2009

    A quick review of the data taken this day on 3C147 at L-band:

    1) Delays remain large, but are the same (to a nsec or so) as they 
were last week on 3C286:

Ant        RR         LL
1                  ref
2             -78         -20 (in nsec)
3             -8           119
4            28             92
9           -88           -11
18         -19          207
19         -8            -1
23         -28          151
24         -20          67
25         -14          134
28         -14          111
I also note that these delays, in RCP, are the same as the 
single-polarization data taken last week, *except* for antennas 2 and 9, 
which were -14 and -25 nsec. 

    2) The cross-hand delay is also large:  -135 nsec, and is also the 
same as it was last week.  (Note:  to apply this, use CLCOR, and apply 
this value to all IFs, to Stokes 'L' only, for all antennas). 

    3) The zero amplitude drops appear to be gone!  (Martin predicted 

    4) The partial drops are everywhere!  This time, they are 'on the 
7s', every 10 seconds.  I note that this is in synchronism with the 
beginning of the scans, which are also always 'on the 7s'. 

    5) Antennas 3 and 28 are still bad, in the same way as before, in LCP. 

    That's all, so far.

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