[evlatests] X-band WIDAR report

Michael Rupen mrupen at nrao.edu
Tue Oct 28 16:49:13 EDT 2008

Rick's image is indeed very good news, but there are a couple more t's to 
cross.  In particular we have not yet shown that...

- closures are stable over hours

- closure noise integrates down in time & frequency as expected

- off-source noise characteristics are as expected

- the noise itself is as expected (based on simultaneous VLA data to
   get the flux density)

I think we'll get this done very shortly, but it's not _quite_ there yet.
In particular my imaging of the C band data did not show the expected
gains when averaging over frequency and time, though I hope some more careful
work will take care of that.  With no effort (and no BLCAL) I got to a 
peak-to-rms-noise dynamic range of 10,400:1 .  Rick, did you use BLCAL
or was this straight from self-cal (CALIB)?



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