[evlatests] P-Band Status

Rick Perley rperley at nrao.edu
Mon Nov 26 16:03:17 EST 2007

    I looked at P-band status at noon today:

    Antennas 1 and 4 are out of the array. 

    Antenna 2 was stowed for servo work -- no data. 

    Antenna 16 has no receiver -- no data.

    Of the remaining antennas, which were pointing, and are claimed to 
be outfitted:

    a) Antenna 13 is claimed to be outfitted at P-band, but provides no 
fringes at all.  Its Tsys values are also completely corrupted. 

    b) Antenna 21's fringes are low by at least an order of magnitude on 
all IFs.  Tsys is shown as relatively normal, so the problem is in the 
signal path. 

    c) Antenna 11's fringes are low by a factor of about 2.5, on all 
IFs.    Tsys is normal, so again, we are losing signal. 

    d) Antenna 26C is weak by a factor of about 2.5, and Tsys is 
elevated by about a factor of 1.5 -- close enough to suggest this is the 
    e) Antenna 26D gives no discernible fringes, and a bandpass 
indicating no signal.  Its Tsys reads 1800K (!), and is erratic. 

    f) Antenna 28C and 28D (LCP) fringes are low by a factor of about 
5.  Again, Tsys is normal. 

    g) Antenna 7D is weak by a factor of 3.3, and an elevated Tsys (500K). 

    h)  Antenna 24B gives no fringes, and the bandpass is just noise.  
(The other IFs are fine, however). 

    i) All others look good, with antenna sensitivities within 20% of 
the median value. 


    There are a number of significant delay errors, as listed below.  
The IF order is (A, B, C, D), in nsec.   The value is to be added to 
that which was used in the observation. 

    14:  0, -50, -20, -60
    17:  0, -40, 0, -40
    18:  -20, 0, -40, -50
    23:  -20, -40, 0, -50
    24:  +250, nofrg, +40, -40      **** Note delay error in IF 'A' ***
    26: -30, 0, 0, nofrg.



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