[evlatests] L-Band status, overnight

Rick Perley rperley at nrao.edu
Wed May 30 10:21:22 EDT 2007

    A long integration was done last night, for various purposes.  
Results of the imaging will be made later this morning. 

    L-band, standard frequencies, mode '4', 12.5 MHz BW, providing 16 
channels for each of the four parallel-hand correlations. 

    Good News!

    27 antennas were on source, and providing stable data (a first!) -- 
but some IF-specific problems were noted:

    Some Problems:

    a) 21C is completely dead -- nothing but zero amplitudes were 
loaded.  It's not even noise, so something artificial is happening.
    b) 18 B and D give only noise.
    c) 28 D gives a high, steady value, both in amplitude and phase. 

    Otherwise, all appears to be working well. 

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