[evlatests] X-band tests of two strong srouces

Gustaaf van Moorsel gvanmoor at nrao.edu
Wed Mar 14 12:38:41 EDT 2007

Observations were made in X-band of two Jansky-strength calibrator
sources 4.5 degrees apart.  Two scans on 0251+432 (source) were obs-
erved bracketed by three scans on 0303+472 (calibrator) for a total
of 45 minutes.  This was repeated with the array pointing 2.5 arcmin
(or about half the primary beamwidth at X-band) to the Northwest of

Phase solutions are stable for all VLA antennas (at most 16 degrees
drift in the phase solutions over 90 minutes).  For most EVLA ant-
ennas there is more phase drift over 90 minutes, in particular ant-
enna 14 (70 degrees) and 24 (60 degrees), but easy to calibrate with
15 minutes between calibrator scans.  Least drift was on EVLA anten-
nas 17, 18, and 22 with 24, 28, and 20 degrees, respectively.

After imaging, selfcal solutions of VLA antennas and EVLA antennas
were indistinguishable, both for when the source was in the center
and for when the source was offset from the center.


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