[evlatests] Modcomp-free flagging, P-band

Rick Perley rperley at nrao.edu
Thu Jun 28 15:20:50 EDT 2007

    I'm running my usual 'stress test', with an eye on appropriate 
flagging.    Reports will be band-by-band, (until I run out of energy of 


    A)  Antennas that were not flagged, but should have been.

    ea23, all IFs.  Amplitudes are pulsing up and down, by a factor of 
about ten from normal, on an approximate 5 second period. 
                           Phases are normal. 

    ea18, 24, and 26, on IFs B and D.  Antennas are either dead or show 
ragged visibility amplitudes.  (Note -- these antennas were flagged on 
IFs A and C). 

    B)  Antennas that were flagged, but should NOT have been.

    ea 18A,C.  (Note -- IFs C and D were unflagged, but should have 
been, while IFs A and C were flagged, but should not have been!)

    ea19, all IFs.  (Fringes are of lowish amplitude, but look fine 
otherwise.  Is this because the Tcals are *still* not in the database?) 

    C)  Overall note:  EVLA performance is not impressive here.  Only 
antennas 17, 19, 21 and 26 are working well on all IFs. 

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