[evlatests] news

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at nrao.edu
Tue Jun 5 22:44:22 EDT 2007

On Tue, 5 Jun 2007, Ken Sowinski wrote:

> I will try to summarize the important thnings that happened
> yesterday and today.  Much of it is now a blur so some things
> may be forgotten.

Two of the forgotten:

Walter and I may have made some progress in understanding how
idcaf and the vis-pipe interact to lose the logical connection
under some circumstances.  The version of idcaf currently running
attempts to deal with this more correctly than before and we will
test it more thoroughly tomorrow.

During one of Rick's observations early this afternoon and for
a while afterward it appears that the EVLA antennas' idea of
time seemed to differ from the rest of the VLA for while.  I
planned to disable phase switching to pin down the source of
the problem, but while discussing it with Jim Jackson it
magically cured itself.  This raises the obvious question of
whether the changed time multicasting contributed to this.
Without further evidence I doubt it.  The same thing occurred
for a while last week, albeit after many serious disturbances
to the system.  Should the antennas continue to lose sync with
the VLA over the next few days I think we should consider turning
off the multicast of time from andy.

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