[evlatests] AB1254 on July 13

Bryan Butler bbutler at nrao.edu
Fri Jul 27 17:50:27 EDT 2007

AB1254 on July 13 was an observation of Mars by Busch et al. at L-band.

i've copied ed's wording below (thanks, ed :), but the short story is that the 
data looks great and there is no need to reobserve...

1.4 GHz, 2 IFs, 2 Pols usual pseudo-continuum (25 MHz, 8 channel) correlator 
setup, 1 hour experiment, 3.3sec integration

Observations started on time.  No data on first calibrator, but this was because 
of astronomer error (only gave that first scan 29 seconds, which I failed to 
catch when proofing the file!).

All other scans just fine, except for normal quacking and one single bad 
unflagged record at the end of a single scan.

IF 2, stokes RR, about 200 very high amplitude visibilities on Mars.  Trivial to 
see and flag in TVFLG.

     11, 25 out; 26 antennas working, 2 IFs, 2 Pols

     no antennas bad for this run

Very little interference

Final interesting tidbit - it is clear that Mars is offset from the field center 
in the image.  Since positions were calculated internally within the executor, 
it is clear that that mechanism is flawed.  We should be looking at this more 
closely next week during testing.

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