[evlatests] UVW fixed; new archive revision number

Ed Fomalont efomalon at nrao.edu
Thu Jul 5 15:51:00 EDT 2007

Hi Walter,

    Thanks for the fix.  A related three part question.  People often 
run UVFIX anyway (not for the sign problem over the last few days) to 1) 
correct for the old VLA time error of 0.5 sample; 2) increase the 
accuracy of the u,v,w that are computed by the on-line system; 3) 
correct for the field stretching associated with annual aberration.  Are 
any or all of these previous minor 'errors' now corrected with the 
on-line uvw and times by mod-comp free, or should UVFIX be run for the 
wide-field high-precision work anyway?


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