[evlatests] Naming of .evla files

Rich Moeser rmoeser at nrao.edu
Sun Jul 1 11:34:03 EDT 2007

>>3. The project code assigned to these scans _could_ differ from other
>>    scans in the project causing problems retrieving the data
>>#3 is the most problematic.  In this case the fast switching scans and 
>>tipper scans will be assigned project codes using different algorithms. 
>>The former will be based entirely on the filename of the evla script and 
>>the later will be based on the observe code the observer gives the file. 
>>It seems that the filenames made in the dynamic queue are OK and the two 
>>algorithms give the same name.  In the cases where the operator gives a 
>>name to the file it is imperitive that entire project code be included in 
>>the filename.  In Linux there are not restrictions on the file lengths 
>>like there were on the modcomps, so I recommend making filenames that 
>>might look like:
>>003ab1248-000.evla		for AB1248
>>998ag627-000.evla		for AG627
I can think of two ways to achieve this without code changes...

1. Renaming the obs file:
If the obs files for AB1248 and AG627 are named 003ab1248.obs and 
998ag627.obs, then the resulting auto-generated filenames will be 
003ab1248-xxx.evla and 998ag627-000.evla, respectively. This is pretty 
much transparent to the operators. They simply select the .obs file 
through the screens - as they usually do - and the file is run through 
obs2script with the correct output filename and then submitted to the 

2. Running obs2script manually
The operators could manually run obs2script at the command-line and 
specify the desired output filename (ex: obs2script -i 
/users/evlaops/fetch/fetched/somefile.obs -o 
/home/mchost/evla/scripts/astronomy/2007/07/003ab1248-000.evla). They 
would then select the resulting .evla file using their screens to submit 
it to the Executor.


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