[evlatests] More on L-Band RFI

Rick Perley rperley at nrao.edu
Wed Apr 4 13:33:10 EDT 2007

    As noted earlier, the L-Band RFI spectrum is quite curious -- 25 
lines, extending from 1419.9 to 1420.9 MHz.  The 13th line -- the middle 
one -- hence lies close to the HI rest frequency. 
    Looking carefully, I find that the frequency of this birdie is at 
1420.396 MHz -- exactly (to within measurement error)  10 kHz below the 
HI neutral line rest frequency of 1420.405752 MHz. 
    The three most-affected antennas are those closest to the control 
building, where our masers are located.   We also recall that the EVLA 
antennas have much reduced spillover, perhaps explaining why the RFI is 
seen less prominently on them than on the adjacent VLA antennas. 

    Perhaps somebody should do some spectral sniffing in the CB...

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