[evlatests] Tests of Jun 9.

Vivek Dhawan vdhawan at aoc.nrao.edu
Fri Jun 9 19:31:44 EDT 2006

Most things worked as expected, I'll omit the details.

1. Good fringes on all 4 EVLA antennas at 4 IFs at X & L bands.

2. A long scan at K-band showed no phase sawtooth on ant 13
    (longest baseline). Its not ironclad, but it appears the
    L302 updates every 10sec (phase, rate, & acceleration) are
    smooth. Since Rick and Walter are busy next week with the
    summer school, maybe it will stay fixed for a week.

3. A sequence of short scans switching between L and X band
    showed that the L302s return to phase after bandchange, at
    antenna 13, where the fix is in (I believe). 14, 16, 18 do
    not return to phase.

    I used default LOs. Do we need to check other combinations
    of LO settings within or between bands?

4. In yesterday's test, P-band worked on antenna 14, 4 IFs,
     about as well as the VLA, though my scrutiny was casual.


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