[evlatests] (no subject)

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at aoc.nrao.edu
Tue Jun 6 19:21:13 EDT 2006

Lots of little things were done today.

P band still does not work right.  The synthesizers are being set
correctly but the SSLOs are too high by 2048 MHz which make the
phases wind rather quickly.  Attenuator settings to keep the
sampler happy are quite different from whenever this was last
looked at.  Suggested P band attenuator settings:
    IF A    B    C    D
RF   12   10   10   10
IF    8   18    8   12

ea13-l302-1 still wants to be nudged whenever the antenna
switches to L band.

ea16-l302-1 stopped locking early in the afternoon and hasn't
worked since despite being rebooted once.

Antenna 18 is still no better than yesterday.  I have been
informed that the DTS module in 18D is not working.  The
strange L band behavior reported yesterday is unchanged.

The phase jump in 18C every five seconds has been tracked
down to the Modcomps.  The L11 VLA RT phase  monitor was
still plugged in and changing between 0.5 and 1.0 turns
every five seconds and this was being propagated to the AP
to correct the phase in IF C.  It has been doubly fixed by 
removing the module and setting the switch in the ANTENNAS
file to disable the RT phase correction.

Some focus offset measurements were done with the traditional
Modcomp method as well as the new "focus finding" mode to test
the focus offset finding mode of the interim telcal.

Flagger seems to work today.  I suspect I was using too old
a version the last time I saw it not working.  It correctly
reported the L302 at antenna out of lock.  Most importantly
it does not flag on-source records while doing pointing scans.
Unfortunately, without some memory it will not flag the off-
source records either because the antennas settle before the
Modcomps notice that the antennas are off source.

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