[evlatests] 7/29 tests

Juan Uson juson at nrao.edu
Mon Jul 31 13:24:44 EDT 2006

Dear All,

I ran a 5 hour test file on 3C48 (center, 2 half-power, 1 third-power  
position of the power-beam response).  It ran from 10:12:40 on 7/29/06.

I have calibrated the data and I am happy to report that all antennas  
performed well.  I did not get antenna 18 but got EVLA 13 14 and 16.   
Antenna 16 was noisier than the rest.  The 50sec rms (I used 10 sec  
dump time) of baselines to antenna 16 were between 2.5 and 4 times  
noisier than most other baselines.

I saw no "multiple gain" states on Antenna 16 this time (which were  
present on both 7/22 and 7/23).



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