[evlatests] EVLA ant. status as of 14-15jan06 (Sat/Sun)

Michael Rupen mrupen at aoc.nrao.edu
Tue Jan 17 11:47:44 EST 2006

Two AR570 runs, with EVLA antennas (14,16) included.


14jan06: 17:35-20:05 IAT
   3.3 second int. time
   L C X bands, fast-switching in all
   no trouble with obs2script

   L1: IF 1 (AC) both ok
       IF 2 (BD) ant. 14 very fast rates (on all baselines) and low amp.;
                   approx. a turn every minute.
                 ant. 16 OK

   C:  IF 1R (A): no data from either antenna
       IF 1L (C): ant. 14 no data
                  ant. 16 OK
       IF 2 (BD): ant. 14 no data
                  ant. 16 OK

       ** Unusual long-term phase drift in ant. 16: 50 degrees over 30 mins.
         Also seen on 8jan06: 30degs in 20mins, this time on ant. 14 (no
          data on ant. 16 on that date)

   X:  IF 1 (AC): both OK
       IF 2 (BD): ant. 14 very fast rate (more than a turn in a minute)
                  ant. 16 OK

   Pretty clear signs of "phase jump" after band changes


15jan06: 05:33-06:33 IAT
   3.3 second int. time
   X band, fast-switching

   Odd claim in log:
     15Jan 05:33:10        15Jan 05:58:50         C117515   6.25
     All antennas (Data: Corrupted):                                  LO/IF
     The Fluke IF A setting is is unusual, please watch this as you reduce
     your data.
   This is odd because the LO setting is standard for X band.  Some problem
   with setup for the first (fast switching) scan?

   X:  IF 1R (A): 1st 15 mins: 14-16 OK, no data on any other baseline
                  thereafter: all OK
       IF 1L (C): 1st 15 mins: VLA-VLA and 14-16 OK; VLA-EVLA baselines
                    are hooey
                  thereafter: all OK
       IF 2 (BD): ant. 14 very fast rate (and low amp.)
                  ant. 16 OK


-- Michael Rupen x7248

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