[evlatests] EVLA antennas, status on Friday night.

Vivek Dhawan vdhawan at aoc.nrao.edu
Sat Jan 14 17:55:25 EST 2006

In summary,

2 hours of observations, continuum only, changed bands around C,X,K,L
every 3 minutes.

At X-band a block of 30mins was done switching every minute between 2
positions a few arcmin apart on the same source. The rapid switching
worked, except sometime in mid run one of the L302's at antenna 14 BD
stopped updating its phase. It recovered later, but not fully.

13 absent at X-band.

14 IF B low amplitude. 14 C-band no data at any IF.

16 IF A absent at C-band; working at other bands. Ant 16 wins prize
    for leastworst.

A bit more detail below. Contact me if necessary, or wade into plots


Each page has all available EVLA antennas.  4 bands, with 8 pages
(4 ampl + 4 phase, 1 per each IF) = 32 pages.



2 hours of observations, continuum only, changed bands around C,X,K,L
every 3 minutes.

At X-band a block of 30mins was done switching every minute between 2
positions a few arcmin apart on the same source. The rapid switching
worked, except sometime in mid run one of the L302's at antenna 14 BD
stopped updating its phase. It recovered later, but not fully.

Absent = no data available.
Dead   = no fringes.
Working= amplitudes close to vla-vla.
Other oddities as noted.

C Band:
         13 absent, as expected.

         14 absent, unexpected, but reported by Ken earlier Friday.

         16 A absent. 16 B,C,D working.

X Band:
         13 Absent, unexpected. Worked on Friday earlier, Thursday night.
                                (only A C IFs available)

	14 AC working. B 50% amp throughout, but D ~100%.

            B,D start out OK, about a hour into test the phases start
            accelerating - guess the L302-2 stopped updating its phase
            ramp. BD phases recover 30min later, but still have a bit of
            slope till the end.

         16 A,B,C,D working well.

K Band:
         13 Absent, as expected.

         14 A C working. B very low amp throughout, but D ~100% amp.

            B D phases again accelerate, but better than X-band.

         16 A B C D full amplitude, but show a bit of phase slope on all
            IFs - could be just weather.

L Band:
         13 A C working, as expected; good amplitudes and flat phases.

         14 B low amplitude. A C D working.

         16 all working.


Vivek  835 9175 home.  418 8669 cell.

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