[evlatests] Ant 13

Rob Long rlong at aoc.nrao.edu
Fri Jan 6 10:21:40 EST 2006

Ant 13 is powered up and mostly functional.  The ACU MIB is talking 
(Steve found a bad fiber) and all modules present appear to be working. 
  We will be installing the L353 in the central rack today and hope to 
have the antenna synchronized and ready for first fringes by this afternoon.

X-band is cabled in (the L304 switches are not functioning yet) and IFs 
A & C should be present.  We will be checking optical power, received 
512 MHz power (at the L304), X-band receiver output, and IF input to the 
DTS modules this morning.  All other power levels have been 

I had problems setting the IF identifier in the deformatters (I'm sure I 
was doing something wrong) so Mike lent a hand and those are set 
properly.  The FIR gain is set to 30, but I'm not sure if the BW code 
and other parameters are set properly.  If Ken, Barry, or someone can 
check those and verify proper settings, we should be able to see backend 
switched power.


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