[evlatests] Ant 17

Rob Long rlong at nrao.edu
Thu Dec 21 20:11:19 EST 2006

Here is a quick update on the status of ant 17's outfitting:

Most of the modules needed for ant 17 are in place.  We have one P301 
and one P302 ready.  The P301 was going to be RFI tested yesterday, but 
didn't make it to the VLA due to road closure.  We took it to the VLA 
today, but didn't get it fully tested because Tanner left at 12:00.  If 
Dan can't finish this testing, we will take back the P301 and install it 
into ant 17.

The deformatters are installed and responding to their slot IDs.  The IF 
cables are installed and connected to the T4s in the D-rack.  The IF 
fibers are hooked up, but won't be tested until we have power to the DTS 

We installed and powered up the L353 and could communicate through the 
switch (after some fiber juggling), but only by MIB address.  The module 
has been brought back to the AOC in order to determine if the slot ID is 
working properly.

The utility rack was connected to -48V and powered up only to discover 
that the 32V was shorted.  It appears that the 28V coming out of the 
F320 is wired backwards pulling the voltage to ground.  I hope to get 
this corrected tomorrow so that we can get the X-band receiver cooling.

We had the ACU talking to the network switch on Tuesday (ea17-acu), but 
after some work done yesterday could only be reached through its MIB 
address.  Tom went to look for a loose connector (or some such 
treachery) and we promptly lost all communication to the acu MIB!  We 
troubleshot this problem for awhile and agreed that the MIB interface 
box needed to go back to the lab for some TLC.  A bad fiber was found 
(accidentally kinked during maintenance yesterday I think) and replaced 
as well as another MIB swapped into place.  Neither problem seemed to 
re-establish communication.

I still hope to power up the LO rack tomorrow and proceed with the RF 
cabling.  If all goes well (which it always does), I should have most of 
the antenna powered up and talking to the network by the end of the day. 
  I will be gone next week, but Jerry will be here and be able to 
contact me for help if needed.

Happy Holidays to all!

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