[evlatests] Report on AJ329 observations, August 9

Jim Ulvestad julvesta at nrao.edu
Thu Aug 10 12:54:48 EDT 2006

rperley at aoc.nrao.edu wrote:

>	Jim:
>	Sounds not too bad!  The EVLA-EVLA closure error value will decrease as the number of EVLA antennas increases.  
>	Did you see any dropout or decreased amplitude in the *last* few seconds of the EVLA antennas?  
I don't think I saw anything bad at ends of scans.  The UV plots that
I looked at had all the calibrator data in them after the flagging,
including the last records of each scan, and I saw no points
that were outside the normal scatter of 1% or so.

>	I've not seen anything like the initial 10-second problem you reported.  (You should fill data much faster to get a better handle on these odd effects!).  10-second integrations is 'so old fashioned'! :)
This was an observation where I was only a co-investigator, and I didn't 
up the observe file.  Therefore, 10 seconds was the Modcomp integration
time, and there was nothing I could do to make it faster after the fact.

In response to a separate question from Mark Claussen, the reported
closure errors on the EVLA-EVLA baselines were almost
always in the range of 5.5% to 6.1%, roughly as expected.


>	I'm stranded at home, waiting for a contractor to show up.  He's already an hour late ...
>	Rick

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