[evlatests] status, April 25 2006

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at aoc.nrao.edu
Tue Apr 25 19:22:01 EDT 2006

The goal this afternoon was to make sure that
the antennas work well enough at X band for
baseline and pointing runs tonight.  X band
worked so well that I also looked at the other

Antenna 18 was gutted today and not expected to
work; the three other antennas appear fine.

13BD did not work because the L302 was in standby.
It required a reboot before it worked again.  All
the other L302s seem to be happy.

At about 2315 IAT I left the system at X band
and we will get a long integration until the
baseline run starts several hours from then.

Delays were set at X, C and K bands with no problems;
the cahnges required were about the same at all bands.
L band was not touched because of interference.
Q band was not touched because of wind and poor pointing.

C band
16 CD still seems weaker than it should be.

L band
13B and 14A are both providing too little power
to the T5.  No attenuator adjustments were made;
this can be checked again tomorrow and fixed then
if necessary.

K band
The T_cals for 13 must be too high because the fringe
amplitudes for all four IFs are exuberantly large.

Q band
14 seems fine.  16 looks badly pointed and BD is not
there at all.  The L302 was in lock so it is hard
to explain.  13 is pointed even worse than 16.

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