[evlatests] Antenna 18

Jim Jackson jjackson at aoc.nrao.edu
Mon Apr 24 20:08:27 EDT 2006

Matt did confirm that the Walsh functions weren't working in the new L302 
DDS FPGA.  Apparently a newly installed "update" of the Xilinx software 
compiled the code wrong and "optimized" out all of the logic for the Walsh 
functions.  That is a problem that has bit us before (while testing early 
DTS modules) so I'm not particularly surprised.

He is testing a fixed synthesizer now.  Rob will be pulling the L302 out of 
Antenna 18 tomorrow morning so it can be updated as well.  Both should be 
reinstalled in antenna 18 on Wednesday along with the rest of the hardware 
for IF's B&D and a new IF C DTS module (the reason IF-C currently doesn't 
work).   Therefore, antenna 18 will be completely broken from sometime 
Tuesday morning until at least Wednesday afternoon. This shouldn't be a 
problem since it is mostly broken now.  Once it comes back it should have 
all four IF's and two new L302's.


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