[evlatests] system state, Dec 28 2005

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at aoc.nrao.edu
Wed Dec 28 21:34:11 EST 2005

Rick and I decided to use hos time this evening to try again the
sensitivity test which failed last night and a short baseline run 
with EVLA SW that purports to account for the "K" term.

The first hour was devoted to making sure that most things works.
Here is a summary of what does and does not work.

L and X bands had no obvious problems.

C band
14 BD is still as funny as I described last time.  The sampler RMS 
is very large, but the SD and correlated data look normal.  If
attenuation is cranked in to make the sampler RMS look more normal, 
the T4s are underdriven.  16CD seems a little weaker than AB.

K band
16B had to have the downconverter output power decreased by 5 dB 
to keep from overdriving the sampler.

Q band
14A had to have the downconverter output power decreased by 5 dB
to keep from overdriving the sampler.  Antenna 16 seems to have
gone away.  The fringe amplitude is down by a lot and there seems
to be almost as much power in the crossed as parallel hand products.
Either the receiver suddenly broke or the antenna has forgotten 
how to point at Q band.  Breaking news: Rick just walked in and
said, among other things, that 16 seemed to be OK at Q band in his
tests.  If true this suggests that pointing might not good for 
some part of the sky.

The baseline run is now in progress; there will be a report tomorrow.

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